A lot of people dont realize how big this is to Canada.A final with a canadian winner at a 6 star wqs event.It is awesome how well everything developed.I knew from the beginning that he was going to win.Travelling with Pete and watching him surf so many times in all different beach breaks in Tofino i knew this guy was going to make it happen.
Everything started at 9:30 this morning when Pete had his first heat against Glen Hall.Glen was surfing amazing during the event,but an inspired Pete was hard to beat.Moving into the semis he had Corey Lopes a former wct competitor and also inspired during all this comp.Once again Pete had some amazing scores and performed really well moving into the finals.The crowd support was amazing and every single heat Pete was in and on fire, lots of people were there to support him and cheer for every wave he surfed.It was amazing to be there and watch how much support Pete had.It felt like one big family.
In the final was no different.This time every single person from Tofino was at Chesterman supporting Pete in every wave he surfed.He had some amazing scores leaving a former WCT surfer Jay Bottle Tompson needing a combination of scores to become a leader.Sure enough it was Petes day,the day that he will never forget.
I am proud to be a resident of this beautiful country and their beautifull people.
Way to go PETE.
we love you brother.
Christian "Careca" Moutinho